Legal Notice

1. Publisher 

1.1 Director of Publication 

SASU au capital de 1 000€
Ayant son siège social au 33 Rue Charles De Muyssart - 59800 LILLE
Immatriculée 914 337 936 au R.C.S. Lille métropole
Tél : 03 74 09 95 97
E-mail  :
Publication manager : M. Joel Baude

1.2 Design and implementation 

This site has been developed by G&G Web Agency in Lille    
SARL with a capital of 1 000 €, SIRET : 788 783 553 00050  
Registered office: 3 Boulevard du Canada, 62400 Béthune, France
RCS Arras Métropole 788 783 553

1.3 Host 

Site hosted by OVH     
SASU with capital of €50,000,000  
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045  
Code APE 2620Z  
VAT N°: FR 22 424 761 419  
Head office: 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

2. Personal data 

2.1 Use of personal data collected on the site 

The website implements several personal data processing operations whose purpose is to ensure communication and exchange of information with customers. These treatments allow: 
  • To respond to written requests made on the contact form.
  • To send them a periodic newsletter 
  • To measure the audience of the site (Google Analytics tool). 
The data collected on the website is only obtained when visitors voluntarily register an e-mail address and/or personal data enabling them to benefit from certain additional features of the website, with the exception of visitors' IP addresses, which are automatically recorded by Google Inc. systems. 
Editing cookies 

2.2 Destination of personal data collected on the site 

The data collected on the contact form is intended for the persons responsible for processing your request within the INS-IT. . The I.P. addresses of our visitors as well as their connections and browser information collected by Google Inc. are processed on servers located in the United States and may be communicated or transferred to third parties processing this data on behalf of Google Inc. and which may be located outside the European Union. With the exception of the I.P. addresses of our visitors, the personal data collected via the website are for internal use only and are not communicated, transferred or disclosed to third parties. 

2.3 Retention of personal data collected on the site 

We collect your personal data for the purpose of managing our customer database.
The collected data is immediately deleted when the subscriber requests it and is not retained. Concerning the conservation of data collected by our audience measurement tool Google Analytics, we invite you to consult the privacy policy of the company Google IncM. Joel Baude guarantees the confidentiality of the information recorded on the site. The addresses and nominative data of registered users do not appear at any time. 

2.4 Right of access, amendment and deletion 

In application of articles 38 to 40 of the law n° 78-17 of January 6, 1978 relating to data processing, files and modified liberties, you have a right of access and rectification of the data which concern you. You also have the right to object on legitimate grounds.
To exercise these rights, send your request by e-mail
The data controller is  INS-IT,  Ayant son siège social au 33 Rue Charles De Muyssart - 59800 LILLE.
In accordance with the law "Informatique et Liberté" of January 6, 1978, you have the right to access, modify, rectify and delete personal data concerning you. To do so, simply send a request by email to

3. Cookies

3.1 Use of cookies on the site 

Cookies are in no way designed to collect personal data. 

3.2 Session cookies used for statistical purposes 

For reasons related to the technology used by one of our service providers, a session cookie is used whenever possible to analyse statistics and measure the site's audience. You can, however, deactivate this cookie in the settings of your Internet browser. 

3.3 Deleting Cookies from Your Computer 

You can delete the cookies stored on your computer without causing loss of functionality on the website.

4. General terms and conditions of use 

4.1 Intellectual Property 

The presentation and content of the Site accessible at the address together constitute a work protected by the laws in force on intellectual property, of which INS-IT is the owner. 
Any reproduction, in whole or in part, is systematically subject to the authorisation of INS-IT.
The general structure as well as the texts, images, animated or not, are the exclusive property of INS-IT. Any total or partial representation of this site by any person whatsoever without the express authorisation of INS-IT  is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L. 335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. The same applies to the databases appearing, where applicable, on the website which are protected by the provisions of the law of 1 July 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code the directive of 11 March 1996 relating to the legal protection of databases.

4.2 Copyright 

The texts, images, drawings and layout as well as the graphic charter of this website are protected by intellectual property law.  
It is forbidden to copy, extract, distribute or modify the content of this site for commercial purposes. The downloading and printing of texts, images and graphic elements are authorised for private and non-commercial use only. The reproduction of drawings, images, sound documents, video sequences and texts in other electronic or printed publications requires the prior written consent of INS-IT.
Failure to obtain such consent will be punished by the offence of counterfeiting.

4.3 Trademarks

The trademarks and logos appearing on the Site are registered and protected trademarks.
Any total or partial reproduction of the trademarks and/or logos present on the Site, made from elements of the Site without the express authorisation of INS-IT  constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L.713-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

4.4 - Database 

The database established by INS-IT is protected by copyright as well as by the law of 1 July 1998 transposing into the Intellectual Property Code the European Directive of 11 March 1996 on the legal protection of databases.
Except with the written authorisation of INS-IT, any reproduction, representation, adaptation, translation and/or modification, in part or in full, as well as any substantial qualitative or quantitative extraction to another site is prohibited and sanctioned by articles L.343-4 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.

5 – Hyperlinks 

Users of this site may under no circumstances set up a hypertext link to the site without the prior written authorisation of the company M. Joel Baude. Any request to this end must be addressed to the Director of Publication of the INS-IT : M. Joel Baude 
No authorisation may be given to websites distributing information of an illicit, violent, controversial, pornographic or xenophobic nature or which may affect the sensitivity of the majority of people. Establishment of links to documents published on the site: All direct or deep links to a document other than a web page, notwithstanding their form or content, are prohibited, unless expressly authorised by the portal site editors. This includes, but is not limited to, any graphic document (such as .jpeg, .gif, .png), any multimedia or animated document (such as .avi, .mov, .wmv, .flv, .swf, .ppt, .pps), any text or editorial document (such as .txt, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .xls, .pdf), as well as any other document that cannot be read directly from a standard web browser. We therefore invite you not to link directly to the documents that can be downloaded from the site, but to the web pages that refer to them. Likewise, any use or reproduction, even partial, of any of the elements of the portal site within a third party site by means of so-called inclusion, frames, inlining or any other process of a similar nature is strictly prohibited. Reproductions for commercial or advertising purposes will not be authorised, except in exceptional cases.

6 – Responsibility 

The publishers and authors of the website cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions in the information disseminated or for technical problems encountered on the site and on all other sites to which we establish links, or for any interpretation of the information published on these sites, as well as for the consequences of their use.